Marigold have announced the winners of their inaugural end of year awards during their live new year countdown show at Shin-Kiba 1st RING.
This year, the categories are MVP, Best Match, Best Tag Team, Special Achievement, Skill, Shine & Fighting Spirit.
The awards are as follows;
- MVP: Sareee
- Best Match Award: Sareee vs. Nanae Takahashi (13/12/2024)
- Best Tag Team Award: MiraiSaku (MIRAI & Mai Sakurai)
- Special Achievement Award: Utami Hayashishita
- Skill Award: Miku Aono
- Fighting Spirit Award: Bozilla
- Shine Award: Kouki Amarei
Stay up-to-date with all things Marigold through their Japanese (@dsf_Marigold) and English (@Marigold_Joshi) accounts on X. Stay tuned to The Marigold Standard Podcast for all the happenings in the world of Marigold.
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